The Only Fixed-fee Commercial Brokerage in America

Connect directly with your ideal lender matches, enlist our team to place your deal, or utilize our comprehensive full-service brokerage division. Each path is crafted to offer you the versatility needed to obtain the most favorable financing for your deal.

Secure Your Ideal Commercial Real Estate Financing Deal

Expert Brokerage Solutions From America's Top Closers

Need Assistance? Contact Ira Zlotowitz, our CEO, directly at or 917.597.2197 for personalized support on any deal.

Self Service

No Fee

Place My Deal


Conventional Brokerage

Max Half a Point

Our Approach
Commercial Real Estate Financing On Your Terms
Access a nationwide network of 43,000+ lenders, and customize your financing journey with our three-tiered Commercial Brokerage services.
Get GPARENCY’s expert support tailored to your preferred involvement level in commercial real estate financing—hands-on, collaborative, or streamlined.
We leverage the industry’s premier connections to shop your deal and find the best match.
Work with America’s top closers, bringing billions in transactional expertise to your deals.
Connect directly with your chosen lender and establish a relationship for current and future transactions.
Watch as the nation’s most qualified lenders compete for your deal, ensuring you get the best terms and options available.
Commercial Real Estate
Financing On Your Terms
Take matters into your own hands.
Go direct and retain full ownership of your financing with our Find a Lender tool, where you can instantly match with the top lenders for your deal. Browse, refine, connect, and complete transactions without spending a cent.
Or, Let The Experts Handle Your Deal
Trust our professionals to strategically place your transaction to ensure efficiency in every commercial real estate deal. We identify the best lenders for your specific needs from our extensive network, including those who have successfully placed CRE loans in the past.
Finance On Your Terms
Personalize your financial journey with GPARENCY. While you remain in control, we help ensure that your commercial real estate financing matches your unique goals.
Seamless Full Brokerage
Experience a hands-off solution with our Full Brokerage service. Let us handle every aspect of your commercial real estate financing journey seamlessly.
Cost-Effective Financing
Maximize financial efficiency with our cost-effective financing solutions that are tailored to your budget for accessible commercial real estate transactions.
Build Your Portfolio
Elevate your investment strategy and leverage our 3-tier financing options and expertise for your commercial real estate's sustainable growth and success.
Take matters into your own hands.
Go direct and retain full ownership of your financing with our Find a Lender tool, where you can instantly match with the top lenders for your deal. Browse, refine, connect, and complete transactions without spending a cent.
Or, Let The Experts Handle Your Deal
Trust our professionals to strategically place your transaction to ensure efficiency in every commercial real estate deal. We identify the best lenders for your specific needs from our extensive network, including those who have successfully placed CRE loans in the past.
Finance On Your Terms
Personalize your financial journey with GPARENCY. While you remain in control, we help ensure that your commercial real estate financing matches your unique goals.
Seamless Full Brokerage
Experience a hands-off solution with our Full Brokerage service. Let us handle every aspect of your commercial real estate financing journey seamlessly.
Cost-Effective Financing
Maximize financial efficiency with our cost-effective financing solutions that are tailored to your budget for accessible commercial real estate transactions.
Build Your Portfolio
Elevate your investment strategy and leverage our 3-tier financing options and expertise for your commercial real estate's sustainable growth and success.
Frequently Asked Questions
GPARENCY’s Brokerage Division provides a range of services tailored to your needs, which are Self-Service, Place My Deal, and Full Brokerage options. From hands-on independence to full-service support, we cater to your unique financing preferences.

With Self-Service, you have access to resources and tools for independent decision-making. This option empowers you to navigate the commercial real estate landscape on your terms, making informed choices with flexibility and control.

Our Full Brokerage service offers a comprehensive, end-to-end solution. Our premier Brokerage team, known as America’s Biggest Closers, handles every aspect of your commercial mortgage needs, ensuring a streamlined experience from underwriting to closing.

Yes. Our Place My Deal option lets you merge your vision with our expertise. This collaborative effort will help us ensure optimal deal structuring and success in your commercial real estate transaction.

Invest in CRE with GPARENCY

Maximize Your Real Estate Investment with BaaS
Secure commercial real estate investments without sacrificing your financial preferences with our accessible, cost-effective, and top-notch brokerage services.

Finance a deal

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